Sustainability - our systems:


‘’We are committed to the everlasting journey of improvement, for us this forms our strategic plans for: Health, Safety and Sustainability, not just for Active Refrigeration, but New Zealand:.

Active Refrigeration is committed to Sustainability, this means keeping PEOPLE,  PLANET and PROFIT. We believe everyone has a right to return home safely every day as we always have. We also believe in forward-thinking, honest and ethical business, that's good for our customers and the long-term care for our beautiful environment.

Since Active Refrigeration won the Health and Safety Initiative of the year in 2017 - Deloitte Energy Excellence Awards where we demonstrated our sustainable approach to Health and Safety, we've expanded our ethos of other areas our our business.     Active Refrigeration have held ISO14001 Environmental systems accreditation since 2017, among other externally verified standards and we aren't stoppig there! We are persuing innovative design and kiwi ingenuity everyday to reduce the impact of everyday life.

Our next goal is ISO integrated management systems (including the transition from AS/NZ 4801 to ISO 45001) that deliver transparent perofrmance and value to our customers and our business.

Our every-improving business systems still contain what you'd expect to keep people and the environment safe, minimise unforseen events and respond to risks and opportunities in a competent manner, but we will also make the tools more accesible and place more emphasis on collaboration with our stakeholders.

Current HSE deliverables:

  • Continuous Improvement
  • Risk & Hazard Management (inlcuding Env. Aspects and Impacts).
  • Training and Development
  • Regular Staff, Management and Committee, Health and Safety Meetings
  • Contractor and Subcontractor Management
  • Equipment Maintenance and Safety
  • Annual Performance targets and personal reviews
  • Inspections
  • Audit and Improvement (internal and external)

Click here to download our Health and Safety Policy Statement